Guarantee, there is only one

Change.  That is the one guarantee we can count on every day!  There are laws of the Universe and they are fixed.  They don’t change.  They are as they are and will always be but the Law of Change is a guarantee as a natural course in this miracle of living in physicality.  How you move through change is the testimony of your character.  Because of the unpredictability of change as to  when and how it will happen your perception and response to change is the one thing you can control.  You control it because you have the ability to the response from with in your self.  Choice is just one of the navigation tools you have available to your self  as to how you will handle your emotions through a shift.  You have control of your time, place, and reaction.  Your perception of the situation is critical.  Are you a victim or a person who takes action?  Do you know how to stay balanced while your body is giving you signals of either uncertainty, pain or fear?  These are just a few of the responses you deal with when moving through change.  And there is sweet pleasure and joy.  If you know you are changing (and believe me we are) how many other things would you like to know about for your self to do this with grace!   Look for your announcement I’ll be sending for Scanning your Body (this goes into depth about your energy system) to assist you in navigating change in our Ascension journey!

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