
There was a huge study revealed today that 70% of the workforce population is malcontent.  Well, now that sounds like fun to work around.  Really, this is contagious stuff, being malcontent.  If you even remotely think that you are dissatisfied with your self in the place that you are at then your responsibility for your self is hiding.  If you are placing your efforts to get others to rally around you to support you that something isn’t right then you are focusing on something outside of you.  That is not where you will sooth your grumpy.  There’s nothing outside you that you can compete with but you can create.  You can focus on one thing.  Find one thing you enjoy about yourself while you are where you are.  Locate and expand that one fine attribute you like while your are doing it and make that your joy, your content for that day.  Change the malcontent to content by re-framing your thought.  You are energy remember and when you start a spiral of energy that is spiked with disgruntled, dissatisfied, annoyed by everything energy, look out.  You will keep the spiral going with just that.  You’ll end up in a toxic whirlpool of more kvetching, gossiping, bad mood energy around you to just keep the malcontent alive.  Fake it till you make back to happy, Rita.  P.S.  I’ve plenty of tools to teach you how to get to your JOY!

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