You made the decision.
You know you know something is shaking up your inner landscape, you have experienced changes over the last few years and you want to bring it all together.
You have changes going on, it is happening to you right in front of your own eyes, your partner, your work situation, your children, your community, and I could go on, but, you think it is happening outside of you. In a way it is, and really it isn’t.
This is where I come in.

This is where you can get answers, some quiet peace of mind to focus on how to figure out exactly what is going on in this massive upgrade that we are all swirling about in together.

Your first step of action you can take is to commit to 4 sessions. (That’s the only way I begin with a newbie/or searcher anyway.)

  1. The benefit of building the groundwork for yourself is so you build confidence and understanding around the subject of Soul and Personality. How together these 2 parts of you can’t not be together
  2. You build a vocabulary, introduce yourself to concepts you may not have had a clear understanding before, (too much info from too many places) like which concept is correct or isn’t.
    HINT: it isn’t that a concept is correct or incorrect, it is your own individual perception.
  3. What is your perception of yourself, where did it come from, how do you keep living this same self, with the same emotional reaction while you know you are changing and where is it leading you and what is the purpose of this massive change?
  4. You will take away tools custom tailored for you to work with every day moving forward.
    You will have a beginners road map of what you can do to view yourself from 100 miles up and still be able to breathe.
    You will know how to calm yourself and assess what your next steps will be to keep you focused and calm down any anxiety or self-doubt.

Four sessions are a great beginning point, a wonderful gift to give yourself to get the “hang” of this Soul purpose journey, healing yourself from mis-beliefs and gather a momentum to want to do living differently.

Feel Confident, Feel Self-Love, Put Your Self First.

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot!
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