You made the decision.
You know you know something is shaking up your inner landscape, you have experienced changes over the last few years and you want to bring it all together.
You have changes going on, it is happening to you right in front of your own eyes, your partner, your work situation, your children, your community, and I could go on, but, you think it is happening outside of you. In a way it is, and really it isn’t.
This is where I come in.

This is where you can get answers, some quiet peace of mind to focus on how to figure out exactly what is going on in this massive upgrade that we are all swirling about in together.

Your first step of action you can take is to commit to 4 sessions. (That’s the only way I begin with a newbie/or searcher anyway.)

  1. The benefit of building the groundwork for yourself is so you build confidence and understanding around the subject of Soul and Personality. How together these 2 parts of you can’t not be together
  2. You build a vocabulary, introduce yourself to concepts you may not have had a clear understanding before, (too much info from too many places) like which concept is correct or isn’t.
    HINT: it isn’t that a concept is correct or incorrect, it is your own individual perception.
  3. What is your perception of yourself, where did it come from, how do you keep living this same self, with the same emotional reaction while you know you are changing and where is it leading you and what is the purpose of this massive change?
  4. You will take away tools custom tailored for you to work with every day moving forward.
    You will have a beginners road map of what you can do to view yourself from 100 miles up and still be able to breathe.
    You will know how to calm yourself and assess what your next steps will be to keep you focused and calm down any anxiety or self-doubt.

Four sessions are a great beginning point, a wonderful gift to give yourself to get the “hang” of this Soul purpose journey, healing yourself from mis-beliefs and gather a momentum to want to do living differently.

Feel Confident, Feel Self-Love, Put Your Self First.

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot!

Weird new study-Spotless Mind?

There’s yet another study out there, yep, something better you can do for life altering changes to your -self through drugs without having to do any work on your part, which by the way is impossible.  There might be a possibility to alter the things you want to forget according to what this study professes to say i.e. erase bad memories.

Science or someone is always working on accommodating the public.  Get your attention with drugs, quick fixes, and then what?  A few years later after you’ve been guinea pigged out you find out your worse off than when you started or by then very altered.  Ahhh, but altered how?

Wow, social media marketing has everyone already doing  just that.  How you ask? Texting, Facebook, drugs, booze, sex, money, work, judging each other too mention a few things.  Those tactics are a temporary solution and must be kept up as a steady behavior to have the effective outcome you’re looking for.

That outcome would lead you to not feel yourself (any pain) and then check out what everyone else is doing “wrong” or “better than you.”
Erasing a bad memory is your job; better yet how about integrating a learning about yourself. What if doing that made you feel better or good about you?

You actually have to be a participant in accomplishing this. Deleting or erasing bad memories is like saying well let’s just induce Alzheimer’s  when you’re 20 or 30 or 40…   No, you don’t want to be partially here, or do you?  Ugggh.

If you have sad or “bad” memories then you are challenging yourself to come to terms with them.  Buried in your memories are golden nuggets of goodies.  Ever hear the saying there is a silver lining in every black cloud, or you can make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear?

True, you can focus on a really bad memory as just that, a really bad, sad or awful memory and keep yourself all tripped up in how terrible it is.  If you are feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, betrayed, abandoned, played, tricked, or you know you did something really awful -well now is the time to wrap your arms around it and get to healing yourself.

Really, when you start to realize that if you put in conscious effort to deal with what ever your negative belief or feelings are you are addressing your Karma.  Yes, your Karma, not your fantasy that someone should get a negative payback for what their offense is that you are judging.

Karma is not a payback.  It is something in your life that you created (in another life) that is a current event that you now have an opportunity to heal.  In the event is the learning.  Karma is unresolved or unfinished learning of something you did in other lives.  It didn’t really even initiate here in this lifetime.  Whether you believe this concept or not think about it.

Some really intense non-stop event keeps coming up in your life, you may even be thinking: “I’m a really good/nice person to be having this much sh#* happening” right?  Well, this sh.. is an accumulation from other lives that was left unresolved that you are bringing up in this life to figure it out.

It isn’t going to just go away.  You have to bring your own Self parts back together to make your Self whole.  Complete, you become complete and you complete the learning and the really good news is you don’t have to do that karmic pattern ever again.  You learned it, you earned it.

This is what I do as a energy coach, spiritual energy broker, conscious wake up call guide, and your own personal champion.  What you long to unravel regarding your emotional pain or very confused beliefs about yourself, we go about this together and get to the source no matter which life this happened in.

There are tools for this.  You learn how to use them, you learn which ones you need, you awaken a part of you that was asleep from too much fear. What ever the block we unravel together in your story you will be braver and feel the peace you desire.

There is no Spotless Mind medicine.  You actually want to know what is going on so you can restore all parts of YOURSELF.

Be courageous and brave and present with yourself.  You have all that you need to do this with in yourself.

Much Love and belief in you, Rita

What is energy work

What is energy work?

Because we are all energy and all connected through vibration we can move into anyone’s energy field(s).  This field so to speak comprises of chakras, auras, endocrine system, fluids and the whole biological system.  Our DNA holds all the information or codes and energetically these are what can be “cleaned up” while working through emotional patterns and limiting beliefs.

What is a private Session

What is a private Session?

It is an experience where you are completely connected to your own energy system through trusting.  Trusting that you have been guided to this particular type of energy work to heal and awaken your -self to empowerment, self-responsibility, emotional maturity and fun!  The fun part is your effort to heal the fear and pain, replace that with learning and application of your new awareness of your-self.  Create a new fantasy and dream of how you want to live and feel.

Energy Evolution Healing can give you your inspiration to be in Love with your-self and for you to move into the most you can be in your life today.

Can a session help me

Can a session help me?

We all have access to our inner Wisdom.  It is your responsibility to seek this Wisdom through your Soul/Higher Self.  When you listen to your Soul/Higher Self and seek out a teacher or opportunity who can simply guide you to your own Truth you can awaken your senses in my session to:

Understand how to “read” symbols for Awareness

Recognize differences between a frequency and an emotion/belief

Receive insights about your own personal Soul path and truth

Heighten yourself- awareness how to recognize/follow Karmic patterns (and the true meaning of Karma)

Heal emotional patterns from past life/karmic events that are keeping your personal growth from consciousness

Increase spiritual and personal awareness

Balance and master the importance of tuning into your Higher Self