Get uncomfortable because…

Getting uncomfortable can spark resistance or innovation.

Being uncomfortable in an of itself might remind you of times when your body hurt or maybe it still does?   Or you were in a social setting and were “in over your head,” feeling like you didn’t rehearse a script long enough to know what to do spontaneously.  Perhaps you left the gathering rather than staying and observing yourself while you were very uncomfortable.  This would be a great learning opportunity, by the way.

Being uncomfortable will stimulate you to either forge ahead or freeze up.  Let your self be uncomfortable for the time it takes to direct you to create something that is uniquely from you.

Listen to and learn from a master, teacher, books, classes, or whatever your choice is, but then move into your own vision.  This might make you so uncomfortable that you will talk yourself out of a change because you can’t see what it looks like finished. It hasn’t been done yet.  You are about to make your own version of something you learned from somewhere, but now you can make it your own.  Be your blueprint,  use your unique thumbprint.

Then you can get back into balance and get comfortable again. You can ease into the balance and pay attention to the details of your new idea.  While you watch it unfold, you nurture the development of the idea.  You become more confident that it is actualizing as you imagined it.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of when you began being uncomfortable?  Be comfortable for a while, float on your good feelings; take a  rest on a great accomplishment that was borne out of your being uncomfortable.

Guess what?  Get uncomfortable again.  It doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable forever.   Still, you have to do something, anything (that’s not harmful to you or others), that will jar you out of being stagnant and asleep.

What happens when you are stagnant, is predictability and boredom.  When what you are doing is that predictable, it means you pretty much know what you’re doing.  You’ve got what you started out to do figured out and now you’re just gliding.

Gliding isn’t bad of course, its just  that not much new juice will be flowing for  yourself.  You can’t create and attract something amazingly new out of the ether when you are simply gliding.

First you must have a dream.  Imagination and taking action sparks life into matter.  Matter manifests from your idea because you let yourself move out of predictability.

You moved out of certainty.

You don’t grow on a secure path.

Uncertainty takes a certain internal self-trust that you have learned all you can from a situation and now you have to paint your own masterpiece.  It doesn’t matter what your personal content is that you want to create.  Just know that you will grow more by being off the secure path than you will looking like you are a specialist in one area only, bored to tears living in a hamster wheel.

Be the help yourself depends on.  Get the vision of yourself and practice once a day being that vision.  In front of the mirror: sing in a microphone, or cook that new food, go run that track, jump in the water or go talk to a stranger, practice speaking in front of little children then move up to adults.

Get uncomfortable to find out what you are made of!