Conscious Navigation Through Current Events

Would you like to have some fun talking over how to make sense of situations such as discussing Kavanaugh, Hollywood, and maybe you have personal up-close events you relate to that it is time to discuss
from a conscious perspective!

This is not to eat or drink (well not right at that table) perhaps later, but to find your own personal tastes and how you feel about current affairs. What better place to talk over and ask questions than at a warm friendly inviting table?

What if you could let your inner pissed off-ness out about some of the current happenings regarding “fairness” for women? What is coming up for everyone is learned helplessness. We can discuss that!

How would unravelling some of the myths vs how they are playing out right now regarding male vs female, unfairness, not being validated as a female or just as a person, or discuss how you can move through this time and make sense of these emotional upheavals?

There are many ways to explore how the times that you are living in right now are fantastic. Where we are right now is perfect for all of us, a perfect time to grow, learn, integrate, expand, and apply all these new learnings. Learn how to match these up, put them together to build a new sense of yourself.

This is a table set for 12, so think this over and get a seat at the table!

You can use your voice without blame or shaming. A little self- cohesion helps to move through these big changes without as much fear, and to gain longer periods of calmness to handle the rage, confusion and thoughts that there is so much unfairness.

Have your feelings, you’re allowed and then know that there are ways to move through these monumental changes going on without disrupting your own integrity, sovereignty and consciousness.
And if you want to go march or picket you can take what you learn and march forth!

Let’s all meet on the phone, a nice conference call, you don’t even have to get dressed up to be at the table!

Table for 12 only!
$47 for 100 minutes of tantalizing discussions

October 28 th , 2018
2:30 EST

We’ll send you the dial in info once you sign up.
I know you’ll enjoy this table talk. Bring questions, and observations you’ve had over the last month or so.
Bring it all. We’ll talk about as much as we can cover!!

With much Love, Rita

Mercury Retrograde April 26

Get a head start on the upcoming retrograde!  Rita has put together a series of 3 guided meditations for you to help you stay centered and aware, and to help you navigate through any issues that may come up for clearing or working on. These meditations are recorded so you can download and listen to them in your own home, car or garden at your convenience.  See More About This Mercury Retrogade Here.retrograde calendar

Ready to get started?  The Preshadow period starts April 14! The Preshadow meditation is ready for downloading now!

Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination ~ The Art of Getting Things Done NOW!

Here’s a special message for every anyone who knows that they get stuck and want to improve their performance, needs to overcome fear and doubt, but can’t figure out what tools and skills they will need to take action successfully. Hi, my name is Rita Cook of Energy Evolution Healing, and if you want to succeed with Overcoming Procrastination, then pay very close attention.

Many people get stuck and want to improve their performance, but suffer from the idea that if they start something, and stop in the beginning or middle of it, that they have failed, making it too overwhelming to finish.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Listen carefully, if you’re someone who has plenty of great ideas and feels stuck but needs a plan to achieve their goals, then this is exactly what you’re looking for. I’d like to introduce you to “Overcoming Procrastination The Art of Getting Things Done NOW!” which helps you to:

a) see that you’re procrastinating

b) recognize why you’re doing it, and

c) take the necessary steps to overcome it

With “Overcoming Procrastination The Art of Getting Things Done NOW!” this breakthrough resource also helps you:

  • Experience working in a Flow State because you are fully focused, and how

  • Accomplish your goals by creating smaller deadlines, which allows you to complete your  “to do” list.

  • Begin to feel increased energy to see you through tasks

  • Decrease overwhelming stress

  • Commit to a task, not merely comply with it.

… and much, MUCH more!  Click Here to Claim Your Spot Now!

And what makes this even better?

Now you can learn to deal with one of the hidden blockers of procrastination, being self-critical, which is really perfectionism. Which also means you no longer need to feel like everything has to be perfect before you can initiate action:  such as make more money, get into a relationship (any kind of relationship) or just let your-self go out and enjoy life anymore…

There is no perfect time for learning new ways to change, that’s why I’ve made this webinar easy to attend and sign up for. Overcoming this hurdle of being self-critical is such a HUGE deal for you because waiting until everything is perfect first, will become a thing of the past.

And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with “Overcoming Procrastination, The Art of Getting Things Done NOW!” immediately if not sooner.  And it costs just $97.00. This webinar is so chock full of amazing insights, tools and ways to immediately implement your new found awareness of yourself that you will feel an immediate relief.   Also, when you are in the live webinar you have access to asking me live questions getting live in time answers.

So again, if you’re someone who has plenty of great ideas and feels stuck, but need a plan to achieve your goals, claim your spot in this life-changing workshop NOW!

  • Jump into this webcast now if you want to stop your internal tug of war

  • Stop Self-Sabotage and get your own negative blocks out of your way

  • You can name your real reason for this self-sabotage and do something about it.

    “Overcoming Procrastination.  The Art of Getting Things Done NOW!” from Energy Evolution Healing holds the key to your success with Overcoming Procrastination.

Get uncomfortable because…

Getting uncomfortable can spark resistance or innovation.

Being uncomfortable in an of itself might remind you of times when your body hurt or maybe it still does?   Or you were in a social setting and were “in over your head,” feeling like you didn’t rehearse a script long enough to know what to do spontaneously.  Perhaps you left the gathering rather than staying and observing yourself while you were very uncomfortable.  This would be a great learning opportunity, by the way.

Being uncomfortable will stimulate you to either forge ahead or freeze up.  Let your self be uncomfortable for the time it takes to direct you to create something that is uniquely from you.

Listen to and learn from a master, teacher, books, classes, or whatever your choice is, but then move into your own vision.  This might make you so uncomfortable that you will talk yourself out of a change because you can’t see what it looks like finished. It hasn’t been done yet.  You are about to make your own version of something you learned from somewhere, but now you can make it your own.  Be your blueprint,  use your unique thumbprint.

Then you can get back into balance and get comfortable again. You can ease into the balance and pay attention to the details of your new idea.  While you watch it unfold, you nurture the development of the idea.  You become more confident that it is actualizing as you imagined it.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of when you began being uncomfortable?  Be comfortable for a while, float on your good feelings; take a  rest on a great accomplishment that was borne out of your being uncomfortable.

Guess what?  Get uncomfortable again.  It doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable forever.   Still, you have to do something, anything (that’s not harmful to you or others), that will jar you out of being stagnant and asleep.

What happens when you are stagnant, is predictability and boredom.  When what you are doing is that predictable, it means you pretty much know what you’re doing.  You’ve got what you started out to do figured out and now you’re just gliding.

Gliding isn’t bad of course, its just  that not much new juice will be flowing for  yourself.  You can’t create and attract something amazingly new out of the ether when you are simply gliding.

First you must have a dream.  Imagination and taking action sparks life into matter.  Matter manifests from your idea because you let yourself move out of predictability.

You moved out of certainty.

You don’t grow on a secure path.

Uncertainty takes a certain internal self-trust that you have learned all you can from a situation and now you have to paint your own masterpiece.  It doesn’t matter what your personal content is that you want to create.  Just know that you will grow more by being off the secure path than you will looking like you are a specialist in one area only, bored to tears living in a hamster wheel.

Be the help yourself depends on.  Get the vision of yourself and practice once a day being that vision.  In front of the mirror: sing in a microphone, or cook that new food, go run that track, jump in the water or go talk to a stranger, practice speaking in front of little children then move up to adults.

Get uncomfortable to find out what you are made of!

A Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde

I wanted to guide each of you through the next 10 days that are left of the Mercury retrograde. You could have experienced some deep emotional changes and physical changes. When we process things at the emotional level and the etheric level, our bodies are going to feel it for us, it can’t happen any other way. You could have had a psychic or spiritual flu, deep aches and pains, nausea, headaches and wanting to sleep and sleep and sleep some more. You were processing what you learned, changed, and or let go of, in the retrograde.

Remember that what you were processing was the information you wanted to work on, the pre-shadow period, and writing everything down and taking notice of how you were processing it so you could take action.

This was about being on purpose for yourself.

In the two week pre-shadow period, May 4 up to May 19th, you were taking notes during this time, what is up from your past, whom are you thinking about constantly, what new projects are you going to be involved in, and perhaps what are you thinking of consistently?

Then the three weeks of the full retrograde started on May19th. This is where you then got to dig into the information that came up and keep an overview of it. And then you got to take action, on what you are going to change, let go of, heal, and do differently. Especially speaking up for yourself and being in your truth.

The integration, Post Shadow time, June 11th until June 27th is when you will begin your integration with the information you were working on and being present with yourself so you could make changes. If there are any “loose ends” you get to clean up, pull together and finish any unfinished business you might have not gotten to in the 21 days of the full Retrograde.

Mercury is about communication, but this retrograde is about our personal awareness and changing and upgrading our personal communication styles. If, in the past, we’ve had trouble using our truth, our fifth chakra, our throat and the back of the throat, which is our responsibility to ourselves to use our truth, we could have experienced some uncomfortable symptoms.
Symptoms that indicate you might need to be working on clarity,or because you are working on it and it is uncomfortable, could show up as stuffy noses, congestion, muscle soreness, third eye congestion (sinuses) ,dizzy or being light- headed.

Headaches or migraines can be common outcomes. You are being upgraded and your brain and soul connection can feel very overwhelming during this period. If there is an overload and you resist change or suppress change, this might translate into headaches/migraines.

When it is ignored and compressed, and we aren’t revealing our own truth, these symptoms can be an indication that we might want to use our truth/self-awareness more. During these three weeks you get to practice your own revelations to yourself where you might want to use your communication. You may not have been using it very well or at all. This can be a fun exploration and doesn’t need to be frightening. And if you are putting into practice what you learned about yourself in pre-shadow, you will have a greater perspective of your life.

As we go into the integration period, you will feel the power of the retrograde. It could feel like there is more pressure than usual. Along with this retrograde, Codes were changed and upgraded in the planet, which could have felt like increased pressure, which also affects our etheric, physical and emotional bodies.

The pre-shadow period helped to put things together and bring things forward, the actual retrograde let you move into action and do something with what you noticed, and integration serves as a review to finish up anything you may have missed.

This was the time to make a commitment to yourself. Someone or something from the past may have come up over and over again, needing to be addressed and taken care of, with the opportunity to change your style of communication and stepping into your Truth to speak.

You can drag your heels, and not do the things you noticed, but it will still be there to be worked on even though you didn’t address it. Whatever the issue, there will be another time and you will have an opportunity to work on what you didn’t work on during this retrograde.

It is not as if you escaped it. You may get your learning in another way even though you didn’t bring these issues to a head for yourself during this time. There is always more time to learn.

Things may have been shown to you, becoming clearer each time you tried to communicate with someone and it didn’t go very well. There will be another opportunity to use your new found Self, your truth and voice and the responsibility to take care of yourSelf first.

Now, about the full Moon. The full moon is supportive and loving and helpful, and has to do with our consciousness. It is magnetic and female. Unlike the last few weeks, which was more electric energy downloaded and configured into the planet, through the sun which is male, electric and linear.

This full moon is about personal freedom. Imagine teaming up and integrating your ability to communicate your truth and your personal freedom (less self-criticism). You may have been frightened or not sure how to communicate your truth, and this retrograde was helping you to learn and process just that. This theme of personal freedom with this full moon really started in December of last year on many levels, we’ve really had a half year to process how we could get to our personal freedom.

If you’ve been acting in your personal freedom, it could mean loving yourself and not having to earn the love, or comparing yourself to others, or leaving a relationship without guilt, ending a friendship, leaving a job, or changing the way you eat. It can come in a variety of packages to present to you what you would want to use or work on for your own personal freedom.

To get the most out of the energy of this full moon, just simply connect with the full moon. Go outside and stand outdoors. It doesn’t matter if you can see the light, you can still connect with the moon’s energy. If you can see it and you can sit, you can connect by meditating. Get into your vertical tube, get into your first chakra, connect to mother earth, go into each chakra and then into your crown. Let yourself connect through your crown. Go all the way up as if you’re in an elevator and connect to the moon.

When you feel yourself connect to the fluid light energy, you’ll know you are connected to that consciousness. Let the energy move through you and cleanse any old binds and ties to your past as far back as you know where you’ve been inhibited with your own personal freedom. Write down or record your experience so you can go over it. Use these findings through the end of the retrograde integration phase June 27th.

This is a great day for owning your power, building your Self worth, and feeling really confident. Don’t make any excuses for who you are. Don’t get overtaken by the guilt or confusion of who you think you should be or where you think you should be at this point in your life.

The energy of the moon is fluid love that goes through your body. Connect with your own fluids, including your blood and water to connect with the moon. Upgrading our way of communicating our personal truth, along with the full moon’s theme of personal freedom are the finishing touches for this Mercury retrograde.

Love and trust, Rita


Join us for the next Group Meditation, June 11 at 7 pm. See Details HERE.

Learn about the vertical tube and three main tools for meditation taught by Rita Cook HERE.

Taking Action

actionTake Action! You know, that can mean so many things, taking action.  Just getting up in the morning is taking action.  I mean,  you could actually just stay in bed and not do the things you said you’d do.

And you could just stay stuck in what ever emotional pain you are in and choose a distraction for the moment to keep your mind off the pain.  That actually is taking action, isn’t it?

When you pick a topic about your self then set a day or week that you are going to put a plan in place to do something about it, that is taking action. Then the day comes, and you have some pretty big expectations about yourself as to how you are going to dive into this topic of yours about yourself. You might even think that you are so ready you will be able to carry this out forever.

Then the challenge starts.  You find how much effort it really takes to want to change this situation you are in that is not making you feel very good.  This challenge you started needs some big energy to sustain your intentions, right?

So now you put more plans into place and more action that you need to take to make this really feel like you’re going to get somewhere with this idea.

You could feel like you’re spinning your wheels now because you are gathering input from others, collecting more information about your situation, and it might seem that the more action steps you take, the further you get from feeling like your efforts are moving you into any relief.

Action + effort = acknowledgement

Here are some helpful tools to keep you focused on your outcome:

1) Be patient.  Be observant of yourself.  If you plan one thing for the day, then you will be able to take notice of it. If what you plan to change happens, you have to be present to notice it.

2. Choose to be present so you can resonate with the sign that is delivered.  You set up an action to take, now you best give yourself the space to notice it when it happens, acknowledge it.  It doesn’t have to be monumental, huge, or run you over.  This sign that you have delivered to yourself can be subtle and small, but you have to be present to put it all together.

3. Ask what the learning is.  If you are present with yourself, you can stop and experience the learning and you can be aware of the outcome for your actions that you planned to do differently.

4. Next and most importantly, be grateful.  Now that you have the sign delivered you can be so grateful for the insight and go use it.  Write it down.  Keep a log of signs, messages and aha moments so you can weave them together to show you the big picture.  This is where your learning will most likely reveal to you what and how to continue your desire to change.

Let the Essence of your action become you.   Don’t become the action.

~Rita Cook


Success or Failure

You can make a success of your self with your self thoughts, OR you can create your self as a failure. Which do you want to be? You can do both to a degree, but, when those beliefs or thoughts about your self are out of balance, watch out. Do you know when you are successful? Can you recognize your success as that, or do you have a perception of success that is out of alignment with the reality of how you are trying to be successful so you automatically believe you failed. If you are only looking for your failures that is what you will start out with when you are creating the results you want, thus, failure. Evaluate your beliefs around success and failure. Make every day new!!!