Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

The ride starts today (actually I’ve been feeling it since last Friday) and will last around 31/2  weeks.  A little longer than other retrogrades.  This retrograde will move you into a major shift in your personal and collective group emotional level.  You’ll be feeling this shift around your idea of home, family, childhood, parents and your past.  This will set feelings off of a degree of disconnect from yourself, to others and your internal feeling of the Divine Source, the Oneness.  Though we are never disconnected we could end up floating “out there”,  a feeling that we aren’t headed anywhere in particular.  Unconscious behaviors that you have put in place so carefully can present as you are in this all alone (living) and you strive to find the “right” place to fit in.  This is all of the Cancer energy.  Cancer is a home body sign.  Those with the Cancer sign know all to well that they focus on get together, be united, let’s all do it together as a family.  So bringing up unfinished business around these beliefs and strategies is what this Retrograde will be about.  Pay attention to your place in all of the charges you get up to July 20th and keep a journal if you must.  Be active in getting the learning you’ve missed in the past.  The missed learning can be healed if you are paying attention for the message, the event, the opportunity.  They will present to you and you have to be awake to catch it.  Off we go!!  Rita

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