Have a extremely defined vision

The more exact your vision the clearer it is to guide your self to create it.  The clearer you are they way you want this vision to turn into reality the greater the feedback you will receive.  You will have “proof” as you move along in your journey gathering  information, tools, and synchronicity will play a part too because your vision with clarity will be arriving for you in your daily life.  Our human nature is that  we generally want immediate results for the most minor effort,  but be sure to allow life to unfold naturally.  This will happen anyway, life unfolding, but your own personal desire of your vision is you keeping your fire stoked .  How much do you want it, how clear do you see it, how much do you actually feel you have of your self to invest in your vision?  This is the true test to your self.  Not one obstacle should prevent you from putting your clear vision into action.  You can adjust your self around the obstacles but don’t let go of the clear, well designed vision.  This will hold its power in and of itself and you can be the generator, the director, the script writer and bring this vision to life.  The clearer the picture the easier it is to follow the story line!  Rita

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