Breaking a “bad habit”

First you’d have to claim that you have a bad habit.  Now you know there is no BAD or GOOD so “bad” is how you interpret this bad.  So you figure out your unwanted habit.  Does it feel like it might be easy, kind of easy, difficult, very difficult or I’ll get to it another day kind of habit?  So if you realize that you are going to really have to focus with discipline about what this habit is doing or not doing for you then you can decide if you really have the get up and go to break that bad boy/girl.  Habits turn into behavior.  That’s why they are habitual.  It is a behavior that you don’t even notice anymore because it is a routine.  Maybe it is smoking, biting your nails, eating, drinking, computers, phones, you get it right.  So this behavior is comfortable now so you don’t know how to start to break it down into a disposable size or chunk to see a change in your self.  Well, remember there is one step at a time.  First recognize the habit/behavior that you’d like to address.  Second, figure out a realistic plan, do you want to really change it?  Third try it out for a week and notice what the real challenges are.  Make a detailed list of the “hardest” thing to do and figure out a way to make it a little bit more doable so you can keep you eye on the decision that you want to do something for your self not the outcome!   Breaking bad,  Rita

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