3rd lunar eclipse with a lot of punch!!

You might feel very sleepy, tired and off course right now but that is from the fire from Sagittarius.  Invest in healing your self at this time by being very focused on your intentions.  Your intentions can be like setting a vision for a new innovated way you want to be in relationship, work, play, and especially how you communicate.  Be patient now and not impulsive.  Keep your mind focused on inspired action.  Now is the time to pay attention to taking responsibility for choices and behavior.  You can notice how you’re doing this and turn lemons into lemonade.  We are all being upgraded now and this  accelerating will be ongoing.  This means for you to be conscious about  upgrading perhaps your relationships, where you live, how you eat, and especially your self talk.  Be easy on your self, there is much ending now and new beginnings are forming!    Happy Lunar landings,  Rita

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