
Mercury Retrograde April 26

Get a head start on the upcoming retrograde!  Rita has put together a series of 3 guided meditations for you to help you stay centered and aware, and to help you navigate through any issues that may come up for clearing or working on. These meditations are recorded so you can download and listen to them in your own home, car or garden at your convenience.  See More About This Mercury Retrogade Here.retrograde calendar

Ready to get started?  The Preshadow period starts April 14! The Preshadow meditation is ready for downloading now!

Taking Action

actionTake Action! You know, that can mean so many things, taking action.  Just getting up in the morning is taking action.  I mean,  you could actually just stay in bed and not do the things you said you’d do.

And you could just stay stuck in what ever emotional pain you are in and choose a distraction for the moment to keep your mind off the pain.  That actually is taking action, isn’t it?

When you pick a topic about your self then set a day or week that you are going to put a plan in place to do something about it, that is taking action. Then the day comes, and you have some pretty big expectations about yourself as to how you are going to dive into this topic of yours about yourself. You might even think that you are so ready you will be able to carry this out forever.

Then the challenge starts.  You find how much effort it really takes to want to change this situation you are in that is not making you feel very good.  This challenge you started needs some big energy to sustain your intentions, right?

So now you put more plans into place and more action that you need to take to make this really feel like you’re going to get somewhere with this idea.

You could feel like you’re spinning your wheels now because you are gathering input from others, collecting more information about your situation, and it might seem that the more action steps you take, the further you get from feeling like your efforts are moving you into any relief.

Action + effort = acknowledgement

Here are some helpful tools to keep you focused on your outcome:

1) Be patient.  Be observant of yourself.  If you plan one thing for the day, then you will be able to take notice of it. If what you plan to change happens, you have to be present to notice it.

2. Choose to be present so you can resonate with the sign that is delivered.  You set up an action to take, now you best give yourself the space to notice it when it happens, acknowledge it.  It doesn’t have to be monumental, huge, or run you over.  This sign that you have delivered to yourself can be subtle and small, but you have to be present to put it all together.

3. Ask what the learning is.  If you are present with yourself, you can stop and experience the learning and you can be aware of the outcome for your actions that you planned to do differently.

4. Next and most importantly, be grateful.  Now that you have the sign delivered you can be so grateful for the insight and go use it.  Write it down.  Keep a log of signs, messages and aha moments so you can weave them together to show you the big picture.  This is where your learning will most likely reveal to you what and how to continue your desire to change.

Let the Essence of your action become you.   Don’t become the action.

~Rita Cook