How do you know if you don’t know you don’t know?

Wow, well that’s a mouth full, yes?  But I do believe that is a predicament we all go through daily.  An example: you might find out that you made a request that made someone angry the way you went about asking for something.  Or perhaps you gave your heartfelt opinion only to find out at a later time that several people thought that you stepped over the line ( their line).  But how were you to know that if it truly is your thought?

You can only investigate back into your self as to how you feel about you when you hear conflicting feedback.  You can really only notice how you are FEELING about your self when someone disagrees with you.  Is it a feeling of being attacked, humiliated, rejected, abandoned, ridiculed for having your own input in a situation?

Truly this is an opportunity for you to reach inside your self,  to follow your own true pattern as to why you are going through a deep range of emotion regarding the feedback.  It doesn’t have to be that you were wrong or inappropriate.  You could simply touch base in your self as to how you might imagine how the other person could have interpreted your intentions.  You could also be brutally honest with what you really meant and are you being completely in integrity with your statement that you made.

If so then you can hold that, stand by your side and figure out why you might be feeling rejected by someone else’s reality and their interpretation of you.  Find your tender spot and nurture it back to love.  But if you really feel like you screwed up then perhaps an apology would be just as lovely.

How would you like to be in a group webinar of 8 other like minded, interested people?  The small gathering would be questions and answers on this very topic.  To register for this relaxed but informative gathering go to: . There you’ll find pay pal and the group price is $20.00 per person. (90 mins.)

September 27th at 6:30 pacific coast time ($20.00) 90mins.  This will be the first of this kind of group interaction on everyday topics to give you tools to find your true north to navigate. There are only 8 at a time in the group to really go into depth.

The following group will be October 4th at 6:30 ($20.00) ( 8 in the group) 90 mins. new topic

October 10th at 6:30. ($20.00) (8 in a group) 90 mins. new topic

Your instatelewebinar information will be sent to you once the payment is received.  You can be on the phone or on your computer for a visual participation!  Learning with others can bring so much information! Please leave in the comment area on my website what topics would be of interest to you.   Thank you, Rita