Intention is the announcement you are up and running

When you start a dream or intention you may stall out once you go to actually move into the action of doing it!  But remember the intention announces to the Universe that you’re here, you’re activating something with in your self.  Now, the actual act of just doing one thing to move forward may bring up fear.  This fear could stop you from believing you can make the dream a reality.  Do not let the fear prevent you from your intention.  Do not worry how you’re going to get ALL of the whole dream all at once.  Know that your attention can be focused on the opportunities that start coming up in your path.  Look for those signs rather than the fear that has you saying or feeling: I can’t do it, it won’t work, I don’t know enough.  Stay unconditional with the dream!

Live big and stay in the process not the outcome, Rita

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